Friday, October 4, 2024

FHS FFA September News

Forbush FFA membership drive boasted a huge increase in memberships this year.  Currently the Falcon Farmers of America is sitting at 84 active members.

FHS FFA had 25 members present and working at the Yadkinville Tractor Supply opening on 8/14!

The FFA students have been working booths at events to increase the awareness of FFA in our community and promote funds for future programs.  

Forbush FFA attended the Davie County Farm Fest and learned about heritage and agriculture.  (16 students attended on a teacher workday!)

FHS FFA assisted in the Yadkinville Pro-Rodeo event and supported the event by selling raffle tickets for the Polaris 4-wheeler.  (14 Students gave up their weekend to volunteer at this event.)  Forbush FFA was the top selling group for the area and received a cash bonus for their support.

Forbush FFA and agriculture classes have incorporated livestock into the FHS campus.  Students can be found caring for and tending to poultry and goats which live on campus.

The FFA classroom is also full of life.  We have a mated pair of zebra finches, two guinea pigs, and fish tanks which students interact with and learn from daily. 

These members have had tremendous real-world experiences and contributed to their community.

Thanks to all who have taken part in these activities!


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