Monday, April 24, 2023

Starmount High School SkillsUSA Member Elected to State Officer Position

Even though we did not bring back any medals this year, I want to say how proud we are of the students that we took and how well they represented Starmount at the SkillsUSA Conference this year. These contests can last an hour to 7 hours and they really worked hard to finish in the top 5. We will know the final placement in a couple of weeks.

We also have GREAT NEWS that Nathan Darnell was elected with the help and support of his classmates as one of the 7 state officers in SkillsUSA for the State of North Carolina. Before the opening ceremony and the delegates meeting, Nathan had the opportunity to campaign before voting. The support of Starmount students was awesome to see as they passed out Dum Dum suckers and his slogan card that the students made for him in class.  Special Thanks to Mr.  Tutterow and his students for making the campaign poster. 

Nathan will represent the state at the national conference in Atlanta in June of this year and serve for the 2023-2024 school year. 

- Submitted by Sandy Martin, SHS SkillUSA Advisor


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