Thursday, March 7, 2024

FHS DECA Attends State Conference

Students from our FHS DECA chapter returned on Saturday from attending NC DECA's State Conference.  This year was the largest state conference in the history of NC DECA!!!  There were over 5,000 attendees!!!  (Yes, you read that right.) It was a great conference. Our students were given the opportunity to attend numerous workshops, network with other schools, and compete in both written tests and role plays. 

The following students received ribbons for Testing Excellence in Entrepreneurship.

     Phillip Jenkins     

     Samarah Matthews

     Savannah Odom

     Sarah Tuttle

All FHS DECA students in attendance earned their proficiency pins in the following areas:

     Apparel and Accessories Marketing - Phillip Jenkins     

     Food Marketing - Autumn Hughes

     Marketing Communications - Savannah Odom

     Retail Merchandising - Samarah Matthews

     Sport and Entertainment Marketing - Sarah Tuttle

Congratulations to these students who represented FHS very well!

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