Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Congratulations to Mallorie Hemric - SHS FFA

Congratulations to SHS FFA President Mallorie Hemric on receiving her State FFA degree at the State FFA convention in Raleigh, NC.

The State FFA Degree is granted by the state association. As with previous degrees, there are minimum requirements to meet. Some states limit the number of degrees presented annually to only a small percentage of the membership. Because of this restriction, members work hard to not only meet, but to exceed the minimum requirements. They are:

*Chapter FFA Degree

*Two years of agricultural course work and 24 months of active FFA membership

*SAE earnings and investments of at least $1,000 or at least 300 unpaid hours outside of class time.

*Demonstrated leadership ability

*Participation in chapter Program of Activities

*Participation in at least five FFA activities above chapter level

*Satisfactory scholastic record

*Other requirements, if any, prescribed at the local or state level

The Award

Members who reach this rung on the degree ladder are presented with a gold emblem charm during a ceremony at the state FFA convention. The State FFA Degree charm replaces the Silver Chapter FFA Degree pin on your jacket. It should be worn either above your name or on a standard key chain. This degree puts you in the elite group of your state's highest achievers.

Way to go Mallorie!

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