Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Agriculture Education at Starmount High School

Mr. Cody Allen teaches Animal Science, Agricultural Mechanics, and Agriscience Applications at Starmount High School.  Below are several of his students getting some hands-on practice.  

Frasisco Rios helps tie string onto batter boards to prepare for a building layout using the 3-4-5 method taught in Agricultural Mechnics I.

Samuel Cheek, Austin Crouse, Xavier Martin, Evan Shore and Jayden Benge spend some time cleaning up the landscaping in the courtyard at Starmount.

Austin Crouse tapes off trim to prep for painting in A building lobby at Starmount.

Evan Shore and Hunter Royall apply a coat of paint in the courtyard.

These students study the principles of painting and preserving to finish wood 
and metal during the course.

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