Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Animal Science at Starmount High

The Animal Science II class at Starmount High are dissecting fetal pigs this week. The class has worked through both Anatomy and each part's function as well as learning the animal’s various systems such as the digestive system. They are now putting their knowledge to work by identifying each part, discussing its function in real world application. Several of these students plan to pursue a career as Animal Technicians and Veterinarians.

The University of Northern Ohio Visits Forbush High

Brad Mecham from UNOH spoke to the Automotive and Agriculture students about Ag Mechanics, Welding, HVAC, and the various Automotive programs offered at UNOH.

He talked about life after school and the importance of education.

Thank you to Mr. Mecham for sharing your time and experience with our students!

Friday, January 26, 2024

CTE Teachers Participate in Collaboration Session at Ed Camp

Kudos to all YCS CTE Teachers on a successful collaboration session today during the high school EdCamp!

All teachers were willing to share strategies and activities. It was a great learning experience, and everyone left with new ideas for their classrooms.

Way to go CTE Educators!

Starmount Middle School Exploring Careers & Employment

Mr. Isaac Rose’s students at Starmount Middle School are exploring future career opportunities using Paxton-Patterson hands-on learning labs.

The students below are working with the following modules:

Energy & Power

Flight & Drones

Home Maintenance Fundamentals

Hospitality & Tourism

Introduction to Culinary Arts

Students access instructions and assignments on their Chromebooks as well as completing the hands-on portions of the module.

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

"Starmount Valley" Semester Two Students

Mrs. Matthews' 7th & 8th grade business students at Starmount Middle School will again create a town called Starmount Valley. Students will come up with a business to create for the town. 

What businesses will be in the town of Starmount Valley this semester? Check out some possibilities!

More to come later!!!

Friday, January 19, 2024

Skills USA Students Visit Tanglewood Festival of Lights

Several members of the SHS SkillsUSA Chapter visited the Tanglewood Festival of Lights on December 14th.  They also enjoyed a meal together at Dario's.


Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Celebrating Fall Interns


Students Earn Platinum WorkKeys Credential

Congratulations to these CTE Concentrators for earning a Platinum Certificate on the ACT WorkKeys exam!

This assessment measures essential skills that are relevant to all careers. 

Kuddos to Computer Science, IT and Technology Education in Yadkin County Schools

Jerry Fincannon and Jeffrey Tutterow teach courses in the Computer Science, IT and Technology program area at Starmount High. CSITT path...