Nathan Darnell, a student at Starmount High School, is representing North Carolina as a State Officer for SkillsUSA at the National Conference in Atlanta this week.
Learning a lot and having a great time!
Nathan Darnell, a student at Starmount High School, is representing North Carolina as a State Officer for SkillsUSA at the National Conference in Atlanta this week.
Learning a lot and having a great time!
This year's high school marketing students were asked to create and market an original product. Throughout this semester-long project, students developed employability and soft skills including project management, research and analysis, creativity, critical thinking, and communication skills.
Below is one student’s thoughts on her project:
“I was inspired to create my PBM (Performance Based-based Measurement) when going through my normal day to day life. As a cashier at Walmart, I realized there are many communication barriers between my fellow cashiers and our customers, which may make them feel less welcome than our English-speaking customers. My PBM product was an earpiece that used a real human voice to translate both what the wearer hears and says to make translated communication seamless and less robotic.” - Maddalynn Page, FHS Marketing Student
Students in Mr. Tutterow’s Game Art and Design class were required to create a board game as part of their Proof of Learning for the course. Some of the games are listed below.
Creative work…great job!
Students in Mr. Walker’s Carpentry I & II classes completed the metal application for the softball concession stand last week. They al...